Contest for a new logo

L'APO has decided to organize a contest to get a new Logo


The contest is open to all the population of the Outaouais as well as (new and old) members of APO  and  their family.  

The deadline to present your logo is  March 22, 2020

Winners will have: First price of 250$  and  4 other prices of 50$ (runner-up)


For more information please see the attachment

Concours logo APO Jan2020.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 303.4 KB

Proposed logos

Document Adobe Acrobat 664.7 KB
Document Adobe Acrobat 481.9 KB
Document Adobe Acrobat 485.8 KB
Document Adobe Acrobat 130.1 KB
Logo APO_E.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 93.6 KB